Two people on a ski lift with mountains in the background

How to Find Faith in Every Conversation

November 25, 2019
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Are you looking for the “God intersect” in every conversation?

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Damon Adcock, is a pastoral leader turned Chief Culture Officer who lives each day looking for the “God Intersect.” His passion for people and authenticity when sharing his faith offers all of us an invitation to say “No” to fear and “Yes!” to faith.

A Family History in God 

“I’m standing on the faith shoulders of the generations of men and women who love Jesus and love His Church.”

Damon grew up in a pastor's home, surrounded by a rich history of faith. Jesus was at the center of the Adcocks’ life as far as he could see down his family line.

When Damon was old enough to be curious about faith, he had a moment in church that inspired his hopeful perspective. Towards the end of a Sunday service, he saw his mother crying and quickly asked her, “What’s wrong?” His mother began to explain how the woman running to the altar, was someone she had been intentionally praying for. From that moment on, Damon was aware of the power of prayer and his familial purpose to encourage those around him. 

Shortly after this beautiful encounter at Church, Damon knew he needed to give his life to the Lord. Though young, he expressed his desire to follow God and accepted Jesus into his heart in the presence of his family.

Even in his youth, Damon looked for ways to include God in conversation. Whether through singing, leading, or sports, he was always eager to share his faith with others and continued to do so throughout his schooling.

Related Post: What Jesus Teaches Us About Faith Conversations

Be Prepared to Share the Gospel 

Damon once spoke with a curious friend while on a youth ski retreat. Damon’s friend, Jeremy, began to ask him all the questions while in the air on a ski lift. 

Jeremy asked, “Why do you hang out with me? Why did you even invite me to the retreat?”

Damon was quick to respond with, “Why did you say yes? Why did you even want to come?”

His friend confessed that he came on the retreat because there was something about the group” that Damon was with. Damon felt prompted to ask Jeremy if he’d like to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

To his surprise, Jeremy said, “Yes,” and the two rejoiced with God over that ski weekend.

You are never too young to share your faith! Check out our podcast episode with Elise Gaspar, a teen living each day on mission at her school: Sharing at the Lunch Table

As Damon progressed toward his collegiate years, he pursued a business degree. Eventually, he began leading worship and pastoring at a church in South Carolina.

Though his season of life was frantically busy, he knew he needed to prioritize time with his neighbors and follow in Jesus’ way to love your neighbor as yourself.
When a new family moved across the street, Damon was excited to share his faith. Throughout the months, Damon helped his neighbor, Robby, with a flat tire, house projects, and other miscellaneous things that came up. 

One night when Damon was eager to watch a movie, Robby was at the door and needed help. Robby explained that he had been out with a friend who had drunk too much and Robby was the safe ride home for his friend. However, due to this, now Robby needed a ride to his motorcycle.

Damon brought Robby to his motorcycle, twenty minutes away from their neighborhood, only to discover that Robby had grabbed the wrong pair of keys. A forty-minute trip turned into a two-hour trip, which offered Damon plenty of time to ask his neighbor about his life.

Robby shared that he was in an intensely broken family and looking for hope. Damon shared how he was a pastor and Robby was curious about his life of faith. Robby started attending church with Damon and after just a few short weeks of attending, his neighbor gave his life to Jesus! 

Look for Opportunities to Share Your Faith

“I’m looking for the God intersect in every moment!”
After twenty years of pastoring, Damon knew it was time for a change. His friend, Scott Pyle, offered him a job as the Chief Culture Officer at Pyle Financial and he transitioned out of ministry. Regardless, Damon continues to live every day looking for the God intersect. 

While at a work event in California, Damon got a chance to meet Mike, a colleague in the financial space who had recently lost his daughter to a rare disease. Damon encouraged him and empathized with the immense grief. Throughout that trip, their friendship blossomed and Damon invited his team at Pyle Financial to begin praying on Mike’s behalf.

When the God-intersect appeared, it did so in the most unlikely of places: the airport cafeteria. Mike, Scott, Damon, and others on the team were talking with Mike as he shared how he felt the Pyle team was a physical representation of God’s pursuit of him.

Stunned, Damon took this moment to offer the truth of the Gospel.

“I believe Jesus has been knocking at your door,” he said, “He’s a gentleman. He waits. You’ve got the door wide open, but you haven’t invited him in to have a meal with you yet.”

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” - Revelation 3:20

After hearing this, Mike was ready to give his life to the Lord in the airport terminal. The shock and joy from that moment remain with Damon today!

Want to hear more stories about how God is moving in every sphere of influence? Hear our interview with Scott Pyle, head of Pyle Financial: Conversation with Scott Pyle

Follow the Fruit of the Spirit 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. -Galatians 5:22-23

Damon invites us to follow the ways of Jesus shown to us through the fruit of the Spirit. As we show up to every situation with the love of God and honest care in our hearts, we inspire, encourage, and offer hope to everyone we meet. And in doing so, we create trust with others to share our faith when the perfect God-intersect arises!In Damon’s words, “It’s not what you do, it’s who you are!” As we become more like Jesus, we spread His contagious love everywhere, we’re more aware of the people around us.

A simple prayer you can pray this week is: “God, I want to be aware of what You’re doing in everyone I meet. Help me see the God intersect so that I can point people to your love!”


Curious how to find God in every moment? Join us as we hear from Damon Adcock, a pastoral leader turned Chief Culture Officer who lives each day looking for the “God Intersect.”

Ask About My Faith

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