This is For You.

Maybe you think that your past or your failures may disqualify you from heaven. But guess what? Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Nothing! Not your history or your mistakes. In fact, Jesus is the only one who can free us from our shame and sin and give us a life of wholeness. He is eager for a relationship with you. Yes, YOU.

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Jesus gave up everything to be with you.

We were in trouble. BIG trouble. So, Jesus came to earth to live as one of us and be with us. Can you believe it? We were in trouble and He didn't run away...He came closer.

Jesus knows what it's like to be hurt, rejected, and alone. He understands what you're going through and He's here to help. Jesus loves you and wants to walk through life with you. Jesus won't leave or forget about you.

Jesus loves you and gave His life to rescue you.

We all have something in us that’s messed up, but God is not surprised by anything about us. No matter where we come from or what we’ve done, Jesus wants to give us a fresh start.

Jesus left heaven and came to earth so that He could take away all our pain, guilt, hurt, and mistakes. Jesus took it all on Himself and when He died on the cross, all our sin and pain died, too. When Jesus rose from the dead into life, He gave us a new life now and also eternal life in heaven!

Life with Jesus is filled with freedom.

Nothing compares to life with Jesus. He has a purpose for our lives and — if we let Him — He will lead us into what’s best for our lives. He will take our pain, shame, loneliness, and give us freedom, joy, and the hope of life in heaven! All we have to do is believe in Him and accept the freedom that He offers.

Are you ready for a fresh start?

Jesus wants a relationship with you. He’s eager to set you free from your hurts and shame. To be made whole, we turn away from our old ways and turn toward Jesus and His plan and purpose for our lives. Then, Jesus does something amazing! He forgives all our sins and guilt, gives us a new life — a fresh start! — both here and in heaven. God is ready to help you when you’re in trouble — all you have to do is ASK. If you need Jesus in your life, it can happen right now. Let’s talk to God about it:

"Jesus, I need You. I know that I’ve messed up and I can’t save myself. I’m ready to trust You as my Lord and my Savior. I believe You died on the cross to take my sins away and rose from the dead to give me eternal life. I turn away from my sins and ask You to be in my heart and life. I’m ready to follow You. In Your Name, Amen."

Learn more about Jesus.

Did you just talk to God for the first time, or the first time in a long time? We’d love to send you an 8-week series of emails to walk alongside you as you learn more about a relationship with Jesus.

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