Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer?
If you're reading this blog, it's most likely because you're in the thick of it. You may be waiting for a miracle, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting for God to meet your needs or waiting for God to meet your wants, dreams, and desires. You may be up late at night or early in the morning wondering, "Does God answer prayers?" or "Why isn't God answering my prayers?"
When we are waiting on God, it's helpful to remind our souls that God knows what's best for us! Psalm 139 tells us that God knows us completely and even knows each word of ours before it's on our tongue! In His awesomeness, sometimes God answers prayers through mysterious ways. His word says that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are better than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) Even when it looks like God isn't answering our prayer in the way we'd like or in the timeline we desire, He is able to work all things together for good for us.
No matter where you are or what you're going through: God answers prayers, He is faithful, and able to comfort you in the waiting.
God answers our prayers in three main ways.
Related Post: The Best Way to Think About Prayer
1. God Answers Our Prayers By Saying "Yes"
He says “yes!” He does something for us.
It may be something huge and miraculous, or it may be something small. Either way, God cares about the big things and the little details of our lives.
2. God Answers Our Prayers By Saying “No”
He says “no”. We don't appreciate that as much! But sometimes “No” is what a good parent says.
If a four year old child asks for a motorcycle and their parent gives them one, is that a good parent? Is it good for a parent to give a child something that may be harmful or distract them from what is best for the child?
No! God is a good parent. He’s the perfect parent! He doesn’t say “no” to punish or restrict. He only does what is best for us.
3. God Answers Our Prayers By Saying "Not Yet"
He says “not yet.” A “yes” may come in the future, or maybe He needs to change our hearts, or maybe there are other circumstances that we don't understand.
In all these answers, trust is required. We have to believe that God loves us, cares for us and can see things that we can't. In all things, God works for the good for those who love Him.
What to do When God isn’t Answering Your Prayers?
There are times when it feels like we are all alone. Does God really hear my prayers? If so, why isn’t God answering my prayers?
This verse from Isaiah shows that yes, God hears our prayers. And, not only that, God answers prayers. In fact, He is hearing our prayers before we can even get all the words out. God is answering our prayers before we call.
Despite how we may feel, God is always with us and He is on our side. That doesn’t mean that life will be perfect, or that hard times won’t come. However, God will be with us, guiding and comforting us in difficult times.
When God Answers Our Prayers
So, if we know that God is faithful, loving, kind, and patient, it leaves us asking the question: when does God answer our prayers? And better yet, when God answers our prayers, how are we supposed to respond?
The answer is found in the book of Philippians:
When we’re caught in the cycle of ‘why isn’t God answering my prayers’ and filled with unbelief, the Bible offers us a quick and potent way to get out of the rut. In every situation, we are to present our requests by prayer, petition, and thanksgiving to God. When we hand our needs, wants, and desires to God, instead of being stuck wondering ‘does God answer prayers’, we can receive the peace of Christ instead. This peace is able to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus and convict us of the promise that God answers prayers!
And when God answers prayers on our behalf, we are to respond in the same manner: with thanksgiving and gratitude! Learn more about the effects of gratitude in our blog: The Benefits of Gratitude
If you’re wondering why God doesn’t answer your prayers, or if He even hears your prayers, remember this:
In every situation, bring your requests to God. If you feel far from Him, go to God and get close to Him. Lean into Him and ask Him to show you more about Himself. He loves it when we talk with Him!
Related Post: Can We Really Pray Continually?