A series of candles lined up in the grass, forming a lit pathway

How to Walk by Faith

November 25, 2019
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You are in your workspace to be the light of Jesus.”

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Sarah Ingram, sat down with us to share her stories of faith.

You might recognize Sarah's last name if you’ve been listening to our podcast for a little while. Sarah’s husband, Brian, was a guest a few weeks ago. They are the co-owners and co-founders of Purpose Restaurants and their non-profit, Give Hope, which provides hot meals and mental health resources for their community. 

God has always been a part of Sarah’s life. “I remember always having Jesus in my heart.” There wasn’t one specific moment that she can pinpoint as when she gave her life to Christ. He was just always there. According to Sarah, her Aunt Mary was constantly speaking God’s life and love to her, even as a small child, which paved the way for Sarah to find her own relationship with God. 

When Sarah was in high school, she watched an atheist friend of hers become a believer, and together, they started going to church. Even though Sarah’s friend’s faith often wavered, Sarah’s did not. I realized how near God is if you choose.”

Learning to Walk by Faith

The way Sarah naturally leans into God’s nudges, boldly following His lead, is truly inspiring. Sarah shared multiple ministry stories, and the common theme is her listening to God and acting in faith. When she faithfully responds to God’s lead, the other person encounters God in a beautiful way. 

Not every act of faith is met with tears of joy and transformation, but each one leads us closer to God’s heart. 

It is easy to overthink what it feels like to receive a nudge from the Lord, but the truth is, we all experience it a little differently. Focus on pursuing God’s heart and trust that He wants to speak to you. When in doubt, just offer to pray for whoever you’re with. “Why wouldn’t God want you to pray for someone?” 

Related Podcast: Check out our conversation with Brian Ingram

Letting Faith Guide You

In 2019, Sarah and her husband opened Hope Breakfast Bar in St. Paul, MN; less than a year later, they were forced to close thanks to the pandemic. The entire world plummeted into a season of hopelessness and despair. But, rather than let their dreams die, they turned to God for guidance. 

They started giving away food to those in need. They were a new business, forced to close their doors. While everyone else in their shoes was focused on how to get by, their focus became helping others. They weren’t sure how it would work, but they were faithful and followed God’s guidance. Sure enough, He made a way. 

Now, three years later, they continue to minister to everyone they can through their six restaurants and non-profit. With prayer cards on every table and proceeds from every dollar made going towards providing hot meals and mental health services, their ministry continues to grow as their business does. 

Related Post: 5 Simple Ways to Show God’s Love to Others

Sarah’s Advice on Walking by Faith

You don’t need a large platform to make a big impact.

Influence isn’t necessarily about having a big platform. Just be ready and willing to have conversations and build relationships. Be ready to share your story and be true to who you are. God has placed you where you are to be a light to those around you. It could be one or one thousand; it doesn’t matter. 

Trust God and step out in faith.

Second, Sarah encourages all of our listeners and readers to take that leap of faith, knowing that only God will be your safety net. Trust that He will be there to catch you if you fall. Don’t be afraid to be bold!

We encourage you to ask yourself how you can step out in faith. How is God nudging you, and are you following His lead? Even tiny, bold steps can have a big impact. Don’t allow fear to hold you back. 

Related Post: 3 Tips for Starting Conversations (Not Confrontations) About Faith


How to you walk by faith when having conversations about Jesus? Our guest, Sarah Ingram, shares her story about walking by faith on the Ask About My Faith podcast.

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