Two women together sharing tea.

7 Questions to Help You Share Your Faith

November 25, 2019
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I love Jesus. He has changed my life in countless ways (all for the good!). I am so thankful for the times He has saved me, comforted me, and helped me throughout my life.

I cannot imagine my life without Him. He has been so good to me.

I encounter so many people who need what I have - a relationship with Him. I want them to know how much God loves them and is on their side.

Sometimes, it’s hard to share our faith. We don’t want it to be awkward, out-of-the-blue, or sound judgmental. As the Bible says:

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect -1 Peter 3:15

How can we share our faith in a way that’s gentle and respectful? How can we start the conversation without turning things awkward?

Share Your Faith with Confidence

You love God and God loves you. Have confidence in that! When situations arise when you can talk about your faith, trust that God has opened that opportunity for a reason.

God works all things together for good. That means your neighbors, co-workers, your route to work, your cashier are all in your lives for a reason - and that reason is good!

Be confident in how you work with integrity, love others with compassion, and live out your hope with joy. People will see the difference in your actions and attitude, and that’s often what will draw them to listen to you and your perspectives.

Related Post: 5 Simple Steps to Write Your Faith Story

Share Your Faith with Authenticity

Without Jesus, I was in big trouble. We all were! We all have things we’re still working on. Nobody’s perfect!

It’s important to share our faith without coming across as perfect or preachy. We desperately needed rescuing and Jesus saved us. We still rely on Jesus every day for hope, strength, comfort, and love.

When others share their doubts, fears, or concerns, we must listen. We need to listen in order to understand and empathize, not just listen to respond or debate. Take this God-given conversation as an opportunity to show genuine interest and love for the person who’s sharing.

The Key to Sharing Your Faith is to Start

As I’ve thought about what my struggle is, it’s often with STARTING.

That’s a trend for many of us, right? Starting to write a paper, starting an exercise plan or any new habit. Starting is often the hardest part.

You may be in a conversation with someone and want to talk about faith, but don’t know how to get there. How can you start shifting the conversation toward faith?

Below are 7 questions that can often open a conversation about faith. Try asking one of these questions and listen intently to your friend’s answer. Really listen to them in order to understand more about them. Ask follow up questions to show genuine interest.

Often times, the other person will ask, “What about you?” and they’ll give you the opportunity to share your answer to the question. In that moment, you can answer any of the questions listed below with an explanation of your faith and who Jesus is in your life.

If they don’t ask you the same question, you can ask, “Would you like to hear my answer to that question?” Once they invite you to answer, you can share with confidence and compassion about God’s love.

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7 Questions to Help You Share Your Faith

Here's 7 simple questions that can turn a conversation towards faith. See which one resonates with you!

"What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?"

"If you could be known for one thing, what would it be?"

“If you could broadcast one message to everyone in the world and it was guaranteed they would hear it, what would it be? Why?”

“What's something you would like to make absolutely certain you do within your lifetime?”

“What are you dreaming about for your life?”

“What's one of the most adventurous things you've ever done?”

“When you think about your future, what are you most excited about?”

All of these questions may not be a fit for you, but some of them may work. The question that will work best for you is the one you can ask confidently and genuinely.

Do you have any questions that you would add, or a story about how you have shared your faith? We’d love to hear about it!


How can we share our faith in a way that’s gentle and respectful? How can we start the conversation without turning things awkward?

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

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