I don’t know about you, but my life isn’t perfect. Am I the only one? You may have a relationship with God, but being a Christian doesn’t mean life is going to be perfect.
How do we still trust God when life isn’t going well?
It's called faith!
Related Post: Where is God When I'm Hurting?
Why Should We Trust God in Difficult Times?
Trusting God in difficult times is more than a command throughout the Bible, it’s a gift that shows us God is with us. We don’t have to walk alone. As we learn to trust God more, we begin to see that He is working on our behalf to make the wrong things right. Just as we lean on friends during difficult times, we can lean on God and the Bible to walk us through the fire. He is always with us.
Trusting God Requires Faith
Faith is believing in things that you can't see, and the Bible is full of references to faith.
Faith is believing God, no matter what our circumstances are. Believe me when I say, no one sails through life. Sometimes, people make it look like they have no issues or difficulties, but I don't believe it!
Trusting God Requires Change
When we give our lives to Jesus, God begins a deeper work in us. We begin to want to be more like Jesus. Most of the time, we start asking God to make us more like him and to make us better people. At least for me, I saw more of my issues after giving my life to Christ.
I don’t want to dishearten you - keep reading!
Just like a furnace purifies gold, so troubles purify us. Struggles in life can make us stronger and can develop deeper character.
In the Bible, God is sometimes referred to as a potter, as if He shapes each of us as His pot. He uses the circumstances of our life to do that. We want life to be easy, but God is preparing us to live in His presence forever and ever! He’s preparing us for life in this world, and also for life with Him in heaven.
Trusting God Requires Seeing the Big Picture
Faith means believing that, while messy circumstances are going on in our lives, God is still in control.
Read the above Bible verse again: God works all things together for the good for those who love Him! It doesn’t say that we will like each individual circumstance in our life. But, it does say that when all things in our lives come together, it will be for good.
In the middle of all the dynamics of our lives, we have to trust that God is at work. After we get through life and look back, we will be able to see that He has been caring for us, loving us, developing us, and forming us, no matter what we've been through.
What to Read in the Bible When Trust in God Falters in Difficult Times? 10 Bible Verses for Trusting God
When difficult times arise, reading the Bible can feel like the last thing that we want to do. However, the Word of God is just what we need in our time of trouble. The Bible is able to encourage, comfort, and guide us on the right path. Here are ten of our favorite Bible verses to read when things aren’t going well:
Curious to learn more about what God has to say about hope? Read our post: 11 Bible Verses About Hope
Even during trials, an abundant and hope-filled life is the inheritance of all who follow Jesus. Read about our interview with Jen Becker, wife, mom, and leader at Teen Challenge: How God’s Perfect Timing Changes Everything
What good news! When we seek God, He promises to be near to us and be a good Father to us.
While relationships with others is essential to a healthy life, our ultimate refuge is in Christ Jesus. He has promised to never leave us, forsake us, or abandon us – proving to be a refuge in time of trouble.
He loves us! He knows what's best for us. Just as parents help guide and shape their children - and sometimes children don't appreciate it - God is shaping us for our good and for His glory.
So look up! It's all for our good.
Related Post: Why Isn't God Answering My Prayer?